Property Facts: 5 things you need to know in 60 seconds [November]

We all like to keep up to date on the latest property news but we don’t want to spend hours reading about it. So this post will provide you the 5 things you need to know about the Australian property market in 60 seconds (November). You’ll note we are a big fan of data so […]
Property Facts: 6 things you need to know in 60 seconds [October]

We all like to keep up to date on the latest property news but we don’t want to spend hours reading about it. So this post will provide you the 6 things you need to know about the Australian property market in 60 seconds. You’ll note we are a big fan of data so expect […]
How safe is your suburb?

We all want to live in suburbs that are safe and as close to crime free as possible. But how do we work that out? Insurer Budget Direct has an interesting study that shows the safest suburbs in Australia. They pulled together all of Australia’s latest home burglary statistics into an easy-to-use website (follow this […]
6 Key Factors That Impact Property Prices

While Australian property prices have shown strong growth for many years (see chart below) there is always a lot of talk about the future of property prices with many ‘gurus’ making bold predictions about either a massive collapse in property prices or continual strong gains. Source: CoreLogic, AMP Capital We have never been fans of […]
2021 Property Prices: Strongest Growth Since 2004

Corelogic recently published a summary of property price growth for the 2021 financial year (12 months to June 2021). The data is eye opening. In the 2021 financial year national home values rose by 13.5%. Houses rose by 15.6% while units rose 6.8%. This astonishing rate of growth is the highest annual rate of growth […]
2021 Federal Budget For Home Owners

There were a range of measures introduced in the 2021 Federal budget this week to help with home ownership. Here is a quick high-level overview: 1. An extra 10,000 places in the First home Loan Deposit Scheme (New homes) The Government announced an additional 10,000 FHLDS places for the 2020-21 financial year, specifically for eligible […]
7 Mistakes People Make When Selling Their Home

Are you making these mistakes? Selling your property is a stressful process. Afterall, there is often a lot of money at stake. Because one mistake can prove costly, we compiled a list of common mistakes we see and hope you avoid. Mistake 1: They Don’t do market research We cannot emphasise how important this first […]
What home loan features will help me save money?

Everyone dreams of the day when they can pay off their home loan. To do this you need to find a great rate, however, many people don’t think about the features a home loan has that can save them money. Here are some home loan features you need to think about. If you select which […]
7 Mistakes People Make When Buying A Property

Are you making these mistakes? Buying a new home is a really big deal. After all, whether it’s an investment property or somewhere you are going to live in, if you make a mistake it could cost you big dollars. To help avoid this cost we thought we would put together a list of common […]